i said, we will be going to Genting on the 30/1/2010, it was on Thaipusam, and as expected there will be a lot of crowd…luckily we booked the hotel few weeks before and got a not a bad price for the room.

Chia yi’s outfit at genting..hahahha she had been thinking about it for quite some time~~
Preparing clothes that we would wear up at Genting..
and some food too
Hahahha took this just for fun..
And so finally after the steamboat party which ended at around 4am and we slept after that…had to wake up at 7am++ –_-lll so tired but still…the thoughts of going to genting is what motivated us to wake up!!!
While waiting for the taxi uncle to take us to 1U, out camera started working~~
Brought our bus and skybus ticket at the counter..
There comes our bus
This is how the weather looks like at first..however..
much later it became like this…and….
Finally it became like this…so cold~~
Hahaha reach the stop for our skybus ride..also waiting for Chia Yi’s friend, Carmen to arrive..
Three rap-pers at the stop~~~
Hahahah Chia yi was in the middle of sneezing actually…
Hahahha here come Carmen!!!
Queuing for our skybus ride~~
YoHoo~~finally in already~~*excited*
So high up we are~~
a long long long journey up to genting~~
Weee~~~At last we reached genting~~ our very first photo there..
Hahahha we are so prepared to play now!!!
Can spot us?? So cold i am up there as i was without my jacket and was swing so fast up there!!! *cold cold*
Looks like everyone is really enjoying themselves!!
Who’s taller??
Finally checked into out room after an extremely long process~~
We rested and had our dinner then ready to set off to the theme park again!!!
4D ride, it’s the very first time i had a go for this!! and it’s feel kinda real too~~and luckily the show they showed is cartoon and not some ghostly movie!!! if not sure i’ll scream!!
Waiting to have a ride on the elephant
up up and away~~
Hahahhaha they ripped the clown off his balloons~~ As each lollipop needs 2 balloons to make so 4 people= 8 balloons~
Still they like it very much!!!
Hahahah Feng Yi wanted to make a taste of the lollipop..
During this time…we did a lot of waiting and queuing to play the games, didn’t take much photo of the games we play as we were too cold to take it!! and yes…it’s very cold on the day we idea why..but still…i like it =)
Then we head towards Dinosaurland
On the boat!!

It’s evening and we played away half of the day already~~
cold cold cold~~!!
Roller Coaster… um..not as safe looking as the one we had in Brunei, but still it’s nice to play
Me and Carmen…
Carmen~~posing for the Camera
Yea..that’s me..Hahahaha
After that we went for the water rides at the theme park, me and carmen did a lot of running then…to chase up with Feng Yi, Chia Yi and Shin Lan…as they were way ahead of us…but did finally meet up for the flying dragon ride.
This is how Chia Yi heats up her Chocolate emerging the glass of milk into the glass of hot water…
So high-tech looking..
and yea…we were almost dead after all the fun we had…look at how tired Feng Yi was…and not only Feng Yi..
Carmen too…felt asleep already…i believe everyone is tired too~~ but the bath we had was extremely refreshing!!
We were all tired but it was fun!!!
THat’s out dinner…i mean some of us had this for dinner..some were just too tired to eat anything and went to sleep straight away!!!
So we chatted till around 12am and finally went to sleep…actually we planned to try our luck to enter the casino and walk around genting at night…but…well, as you all know we slept at 4am and played for the whole day..till 12am++…thus = no energy left!!! Exhausted!!! and thus…we slept instead…no energy to even walk another step and it was also cold there…even with our jacket on~~!!
Thus..the next morning we woke up at 10am and set off at around 12pm…we were on our way back~~
only Chia yi bother to smile for the camera…others…were too tired to bother abour me –_-
going down now…
down down down..
nearing out stop
amd finally in the bas back~~ so tired…
Hhahahha this is what we saw at 1U…so huge is the cat!!
So…after we reach our hostel, Chia Yi and Feng Yi dropped on the bed and snooze off…as for me…at least i did manage to take my clothes to the washing machine and wash before entering my room and doze off too!!! Really truly exhausted after the trip to Genting!!!
Still no matter how tired we are…the fun we had still lies with us~~~ hahahahha it was so fun!!! and so much fun we really had!!