Friday, January 16, 2015

Brunei~~ I am Back!!

Hey yo there,

It’s been 4,5 or was it 6 years since i am going back to Brunei for more than 3 months?

It’s been a long long way from Malaysia and yea…Malaysia did really taught me a lot, not just about lifestyle and culture but also about COFFEE!! LOL!!

This time back, i’m going to do some review of the coffee, cafe, restaurant that i will be going around in my stay in Brunei.

Let me say this first, my post and comments is entirely of my own personal opinion, but…it’s logical right? As different people have different taste bud, feel free to explore on your own even after my blogging here.

So do stay tuned for what’s coming up next on my blog.

It’s really been years since i last updated my blog with my life in kl, so can you just imagine how busy i was in the past to not even have the time to blog about anything? other than my feelings? Mehhh….

So so well now, i personally am looking forward to what i’m going to blog about though. Some post might be a throwback post but still it’s something that happened in my life before and i am SOOO gonna blog about it!!

